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Topic: The Drinking Thread Return to archive Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
12-09-03 07:30 PM
Some Guy H2O this evening, gotta chill......... Fat green sack in the hizzy
12-10-03 07:00 AM
nankerphelge That earthquake in Virginia last nite occurred just as I did my first shot of Jager!

12-10-03 08:22 AM
Sir Stonesalot LJ...I'm very sorry to hear that news. My best regards to you and yours.

>SS, OU deserves to be playing for the Championship. They've had a great season. <

So you bought into that horseshit? Are you trying to tell me that LSU and USC DIDN'T have a great season? They are CHAMPIONS of their conferences, after all. They didn't come in SECOND PLACE, like OU did. And just how do you expect anyone who isn't a brainwashed Sooner fan to think that the #1 ranked team in the nation should be left out of the national title game?

The BCS is a complete crock of shit.

I was planning on drinking someplace on Philly's South Street before the Bowie gig tonight....but Bowie cancelled because he got the flu.


So tonight I'm undecided on what to drink. I got a bottle of Jack Daniels....hmmmmm....or maybe I should go down to the bar and set a high score on the trivia game. Maybe see about making some extra holiday cash on the pool table....developing....

12-10-03 09:24 AM
Joey " That earthquake in Virginia last nite occurred just as I did my first shot of Jager!

Coincidence? "

Nanky .......................was it a " Jaggerbomb " ?!?!?!

Developing ..............................

Jaggerbomb :

1 shot of Jagermeister

1/2 full Pint Sized glass of Red Bull

Slip the shot of Jager into the glass of Red Bull and guzzle .

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! Tasty !!!!!!!!!!!

" Stones Rule You Bastards ! "

Jacko !
12-10-03 10:13 AM
nankerphelge No, I can't handle Red Bull -- shit tastes like liquid Sweet Tarts! Add that NyQuil-esque Jager and, well...

12-10-03 10:15 AM
Joey " No, I can't handle Red Bull -- shit tastes like liquid Sweet Tarts! Add that NyQuil-esque Jager and, well... "


Why must you make young Jercee cry so violently and use so much toilet paper in the morning ?

Why ?!?!

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Jacky !

12-10-03 11:02 AM
nankerphelge Sorry Joey!

I'll stick to Newcastles!

They taste better and they don't cause earthquakes!

12-10-03 11:26 AM
jb I hope they hang that guy by his balls until he tells them where that poor girl Dru sjodin is....stories like that make me sick....
12-10-03 11:27 AM
nankerphelge Yeah -- very sad story!
Sexual predators suck!
The ones outside of RO that is...
12-10-03 11:30 AM
Joey " The ones outside of RO that is... "

You make Joey smile .

12-10-03 12:30 PM
Fiji Joe't be...I'll give myself 20 strokes as punishment
12-10-03 12:37 PM

Fiji ................................

You are much loved by the Joey .

Oh , and the Chiefs' Defense is weak .

No SuperBowl THIS year .................

Word !

Jacko !

12-10-03 01:23 PM
jb I'll tell you what, Vemeil has done a great job with every quarterback he has ever had.....

Also, what a joke Oklahoma is....they get blown out by 4 td's and their coach cries that we were undefeated for the last 13 weeks and play a championship game...what bullshit...when you lose at the end of the season it is even more damaging..there is no way they should be playing for the championship...and that ass-wipe from the BCC who refused the Miami-Ohio state matchup b/c he is pissed that Miami is joining the ACC...the whole thing is a croc of shit!!!
[Edited by jb]
12-10-03 01:31 PM
sirmoonie We will need a new drinking thread soon. I forsee this topic staying current for quite some time.

"Smoke 'em while you're young, Ronnie!"
12-10-03 01:33 PM
LadyJane As we all appear to be a bunch of lushes, I agree completely Moonie!!

The drinking thread shall continue......................

12-10-03 01:38 PM
jb Heavy drinking will shorten your lifespan-grow up already!!!
12-10-03 08:58 PM

My Ass is starting to smell ..................................

Better go home a take a shower ( read : a good wiping )

Oh , and Carly is a Blowmonkey who likes Puss Puss !

" Carly is a Bitch Ronnie "

Jacky !
12-10-03 09:17 PM
Sir Stonesalot So what did that rotten hag Carly do to you now Joeboy?

I swear if she hurts one hair on your sweaty head, I'll rend her limb from limb. Well, Ok, maybe not rend her limb from limb, but at least open a big ol' can of whoop ass on the slit lickin' beeyach. OK, well, maybe not a whole can of whoop ass, but definately a very stern talkin' to...with lots of finger wagging! Hmmmm, well, how about an angry email? Oh Oh Oh, I know, a very nasty worded candygram!

That'll teach her to mess with my baby Joey!
12-10-03 09:25 PM
VoodooChileInWOnderl Click the image for the second part of this thread

[Edited by VoodooChileInWOnderl]
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