"The three nights of shows here were fantastic. Though we still haven't added the big staging effects that are to come in the arena part of the tour, the music is getting very together, Peter's voice is great, and the Mexican audiences were, as always, passionate and very exciting. It was a great pleasure to be here in Mexico again" - Tony Levin, November 6, 2002


All photos by Fernando Aceves, for other photos check the Miscellaneous space
We decided to put all in one page, the old fashion "Thumbnails" is not the way for today's fast connections

This is Peter during the Barry Williams Show routine "This is the future of reality shows" he says before shooting himself, the band and the audience, at the end and at random he makes a zoom to a point in the audience, so the lucky fans in that location are the ones at the ending frozen screen
First pic is from Monday show, the second from Sunday

This is the giant clear bubble with a great sike-ay-delic design, used during the whole performance of "Growing Up" with Peter singing from the inside, jumping and dancing all around the stage. During the three shows Peter did it with excellence and style. However, on the last show he crashed Rachel's ass and then when it was fixed he crashed his own station breaking the lectern support and dropping the lantern. Tony Laughed out loud LOL! During the rest of the show, a crew member was trying to fix this problem. During some songs Peter performed without the lectern and with no light on it.

After the "and outside i go, oh" and before the "one dot, that's on or off..." Peter starts jumping with his bubble, and so the audience, the whole audience, starting from the front row the scenes is really cool...

Darkness, no way to describe it!

The best version of Secret World ever, wait for it! What a pity we only had it twice!

"Don't Give Up"... well it was not played... "Don't Fuck Up" that was not played either, perfect shows in a perfect environment!!
But seems like Peter is looking at Rachel that way!

During the second show, we had two fuck ups, in Peter own words. First was that Peter announced Mercy Street and David started it, he did stop it and said This song is called "Fuck Up", then they restarted again and played "Come Talk To Me",

The second was to announce another song, and then Peter said "This is another Fuck up" the name of the song is Animal Nation, in this case it was just the mistake to announce another song, but in the first one they actually started to play it LOL

Probably this mistakes were the reason of having a song less in the setlist, and also having only two encores, this day we have a 16 songs setlist instead of the 18 of the other two days.

Here Comes The Flood

Red Rain

Come Talk To Me

It was so sweet to hear dad and daughter doing "Downside Up"... beautiful, but not as you Melanie ;)

"More Than This"... the menstruations sometimes we are not willing to recognize

The end of "Signal To Noise" is fantastic! The musicians start leaving the stage fading away by both sides of the drums... one by one, Peter first... until Ged is alone playing with a programmed strings recording... cool end! Impressive drumming!

The duet of Tony and David is the 10th wonder of the world! Thank YOU!!!