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Topic: Bombs in London Return to archive Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
July 7th, 2005 02:17 PM
July 7th, 2005 02:18 PM

I hope that they find no more injuries or deaths of any kind. Truly a sad day!
[Edited by voodoopug]
July 7th, 2005 02:46 PM
kath i've just spoken with peter king, he is ok. he said that england was sort of relieved in a weird way that it finally happened, because they had been expecting it for a while. now they feel like it won't happen again for a long time. he said it was different from the "usual IRA bullshit" in that there was no warning, but other than that, "just another bomb".

July 7th, 2005 02:59 PM
kath wrote:
i've just spoken with peter king, he is ok. he said that england was sort of relieved in a weird way that it finally happened, because they had been expecting it for a while. now they feel like it won't happen again for a long time. he said it was different from the "usual IRA bullshit" in that there was no warning, but other than that, "just another bomb".

It is truly amazing that there is not more carnage.....These animals cannot win a conventional war, so they put us in fear.....but as FDR said, "there is nothing to fear, but fear itself"...The Brits are a tough. steadfast nation, and they will never allow fear to change their way of life.
[Edited by jb]
July 7th, 2005 03:06 PM
glencar Who's Peter King?
July 7th, 2005 03:10 PM
jb This could have happened at Live8 and been a tragedy beyond our imaginations..
July 7th, 2005 03:13 PM
glencar No, security was probably on high alert. That's why they waited. The G8 summit probably took away some of the attention up towards Scotland.
July 7th, 2005 03:17 PM
kath peter is a jazz sax player, he plays in the charlie watts tentet.
July 7th, 2005 03:18 PM
kath you're right, josh. the english are a very strong people. they've lived through a LOT of this shit throughout history. peter and i talked about that. in one way, it's good that they sort of knew what to do and how to behave, but it's also very sad that they know what to do....
July 7th, 2005 03:21 PM
jb wrote:
This could have happened at Live8 and been a tragedy beyond our imaginations..

Do we stand together in this moment?
July 7th, 2005 03:26 PM
pdog wrote:

Do we stand together in this moment?

As far as this event, I think all of us here stand together in our collective outrage and sorrow.
July 7th, 2005 03:27 PM
glencar There's no other way.
July 7th, 2005 03:33 PM
Monkey Woman The fact that Londoners had preparation will hopefully prove to have saved a lot of lives today. Bombs in the underground must be the absolute horror. It just came to mind that it was exactly ten years ago, in the summer of 1995, that we suffered similar bomb attacks (but thankfully on a smallest scale) in the Paris underground trains. I didn't live there at the time but my father used to go to work every day by the line where the bomb exploded so I was very afraid when I heard about it on the news. But he wasn't there when it struck, thanks for that!
All my thoughts go to the people of London and everybody who has family and friends there. I hope all our RO friends there are safe too!
July 7th, 2005 03:58 PM
jb We are all Londoners today!!!!!!!!!
July 7th, 2005 04:01 PM

[Edited by Poplar]
July 7th, 2005 05:09 PM
kath bastards at best, really.

again josh, you're right ( i wish you'd cut that out!!!)

we are all londoners today.
July 7th, 2005 05:30 PM
Phog My thoughts go out to all of our great English boardmates here at RO. Hang in there.
July 7th, 2005 05:42 PM
kath wrote:
i've just spoken with peter king, he is ok. he said that england was sort of relieved in a weird way that it finally happened, because they had been expecting it for a while. now they feel like it won't happen again for a long time. he said it was different from the "usual IRA bullshit" in that there was no warning, but other than that, "just another bomb".

past terrorist bombs havent always had a warning. It often depends on who or what the 'targets' are, but quite a few were no warning blasts and killed people like today's did. As did many of the bombs that DID have a warning, some of which were woefully and often deliberately inadequate.

I can empathise with what Peter's saying about a weird kind of 'relief' (although thats not really the right word) because the whole country has been waiting on it for almost four years, but I hope to God that now it's happened, that people (and the goverment especially) wont fall into the trap of being complacent and assuming it cant happen again and that next time it'll be someone else's turn and another country's problem.
[Edited by Gazza]
July 7th, 2005 05:57 PM
lotsajizz both our nations need to wake up, shut off the vacancy sign, and close the damned borders!!!
July 7th, 2005 05:59 PM
Bloozehound my sympathies go out to you guys
July 7th, 2005 06:01 PM
gustavobala a reporter who is in london by the f-1 silverstone GP wrote today:

who wants tranSlation , this is PORTUGUESE!

Diário: Explode de manhã, bebe à tarde
Flavio Gomes
07/07/2005 - 17:56


Londrinos voltam para casa a pé; ao fundo, a Torre de Londres
Desembarquei em Heathrow às 10h. No caminho para pegar as malas, vi ao longe, no andar de baixo, a imagem na TV e a legenda enorme, letras brancas sob fundo vermelho. Breaking news. Ônibus explode no centro de Londres. Peguei a mala, entrei no ônibus que me levaria à locadora de carros, um sujeito recebe uma ligação no celular, fala alguns palavrões, desliga, vira-se para mim e diz: "Estão explodindo tudo, já morreram quatro".

Bem, vida de repórter é isso aí. Enquanto pego o carro e assino a papelada, chega meu colega da "Folha". Nem tem muito o que discutir. Silverstone saberá esperar. Vamos a Londres.

Foram quatro explosões, entre 8h51 e 9h47. As três primeiras em trens do metrô; a última, num ônibus de dois andares. Londres acordou cheirando fumaça, sangue e carne queimada. Morreram 37 pessoas e mais de 700 ficaram feridas. Os alvos estavam todos na região central da cidade. A primeira bomba foi detonada entre as estações de Aldgate e Liverpool Street. A segunda, na linha Piccadilly, a mais movimentada de todas, entre King's Cross e Russell Square. A terceira, na estação de Edgware Road. O "gran finale" ficou para um "double decker" vermelho, um dos símbolos da capital britânica. Na altura de Tavistock Square, o teto do ônibus foi pelos ares e ele se abriu como uma lata de sardinhas.

Imediatamente, o centro de Londres foi evacuado e fechado pela Polícia Metropolitana e pelos serviços de emergência, que desde 2001 fazem exercícios simulados para atender a catástrofes como as de ontem. A cidade estava sob ataque. O metrô foi paralisado, os ônibus deixaram de circular, as ruas foram bloqueadas, as linhas de trem foram interrompidas e o atendimento aos feridos em hospitais da região foi considerado "rápido e exemplar" pelas autoridades locais, que pediam, pelo rádio, que ninguém viesse a Londres. Aos que se encontravam no centro, o pedido era para que ficassem quietinhos e não fossem a lugar algum. No panic, please.

Da Escócia, onde participava da abertura da cúpula do G8, o primeiro-ministro Tony Blair mandou avisar que seu país não iria se dobrar a ameaças terroristas, "bárbaras e cruéis". Já ouvi esse papo antes. Pegou um helicóptero e logo depois do almoço estava em Downing Street, 10, a sede do governo britânico. Quase ao mesmo tempo, num site da internet, um grupo autodenominado Organização Secreta Al Qaeda na Europa assumia os atentados. Terrorismo globalizado é isso aí. A Al Qaeda tem filiais no Ocidente.

Esperava-se o caos, mas ele não veio. Na periferia da cidade, a vida seguia normalmente. Comércio funcionando, crianças nas escolas, gente trabalhando, serviços funcionando, trânsito ruim, mas não muito pior do que de costume. A tomada da região central pela polícia foi ordenada e, dentro do possível, tranquila. Os locais das explosões foram cercados com fitas e policiais se encarregavam de dar informações, educadamente, aos pedestres. Vai por aqui, entra ali, segue em frente, dobra à direita, sir.

Foram sete mortos na primeira explosão, 21 na segunda, sete na terceira e dois no ônibus. Aliás, acredita-se que um deles tenha sido um homem-bomba, marca registrada do terrorismo islâmico. Homem-bomba e burro, já que o ônibus tinha pouquíssimos passageiros e explodiu bem em frente ao prédio da Associação Médica Britânica. O que não faltou, claro, foi gente preparada para atender às vítimas.

Sem poder usar o "tube", que é como os londrinos chamam seu metrô, saiu todo mundo andando. O centro da cidade foi ocupado por gente de terno e gravata e mulheres bem vestidas que resolveram voltar para casa a pé, ou usando o serviço de barcos do Tâmisa. No rosto de cada um, não se viam traços de terror, como em Nova York, quatro anos atrás. Ao contrário. No caminho para casa, há pubs aos montes. O dia estava agradável, o sol saiu de tarde, depois de uma chuva fraca e gelada, e muita gente parou para seguir a crise pela TV tomando cerveja.

Consumiu-se muita cerveja e amendoim na tarde dos atentados de Londres. Ninguém chorava ou demonstrava desespero. Executivos de vários escalões e pessoal do mercado financeiro anteciparam o happy hour batendo papo animadamente, com seus "pints" nas mãos, a poucos metros das estações de metrô estouradas por terroristas barbudos algumas hora antes. "Não há o que fazer, é como uma loteria, você tem uma chance em um milhão de ganhar. No caso de atentados como esses, tem uma chance em um milhão de estar perto de uma bomba. É tudo uma questão de sorte", filosofou Terry Buckman, que trabalha perto de Aldgate.

"Alegre-se nação islâmica. Os heróicos mujahidin empreenderam um ataque sagrado a Londres e agora a cidade queima em medo e terror, de norte a sul, de leste a oeste", dizia o comunicado da Jihad européia na internet. Na verdade, indiferente ao drama de quem estava entubado na hora das explosões, a cidade estava mesmo era enchendo a cara. De noite, a BBC mostrou um documentário sobre elefantes na TV. Se a Al Qaeda quis apavorar alguém nesta quinta-feira, 7 de julho, fracassou.
July 7th, 2005 07:49 PM
kath gazza, i think what peter was saying is that historically, london has always been targeted, and that the people there are sort of steeled to it, you know? he said there was an interview with an american woman who was in the square when the bomb in the bus went off, and she said she was amazed how calm everybody was. they said to her, "we should move over behind this wall in case there is another bomb, and that the police were very calm. so tht meant to me that londoners have been through so many bombings over the years that they were sort of thinking "oh good, the other shoe finally dropped."
July 7th, 2005 08:41 PM
Gazza I know, kath - and I agree with him. I understand that attitude completely.

I grew up with that shit on a regular basis for over 20 years. Strange as it may seem, you get used to it and get on with your life best you can and not let the bastards beat your spirit, although the trick is not to accept it as 'normal' - because it isn't a way for anyone to have to live.

Within hours, you'll find people getting back on public transport and going out and trying to get on with their lives. Its a psychological thing to show that you dont let it beat you mentally and thats been the way since the Blitz in 1940. "The Dunkirk Spirit" we call it.

[Edited by Gazza]
July 7th, 2005 08:47 PM
Scot Rocks Tragic events today, the deatht oll looks to be around 38 people which makes it the worst terrorist attack on the UK and it has targeted the most vulnerable ordinary people going about their day to day lives. It definately seems to be one of the Islamic extremist groups who follow the basic ideas of Al Queda. Thankfully, the emergency services have delt with the situation proffesionaly and in a coordinated manner and the situation now seems under control.

I just hope that this isnt used as an excuse for ID Cards to be forced on us and for us to lose more civil liberties, as terrorism will always happen even with the strictest security measures and in the end the terrorists win as freedoms we are supposed to uphold are lost. However, thats an argument for another day. Thoughts and prayers for all those who have lost family or friends.

July 7th, 2005 09:22 PM
TomL Fuck the bastards. We are all together in this. I do not expose my political beliefs, but on this subject I have to. When you catch them just shoot them in the head and mail the head back to the families. I am finally for interfering with someones relegion. There hiding within there beliefs and mouqses. I feel for all the people who had to go through this. I say blow all the mountians in Afganistan to oblivion. We don't need them anymore. First thing we need to do is blow up the Al-Jezzea network. I know my spelling is not the best. I hate to sound like a Hilter youth, but we need to exterminate these bastards. We do need to move on, but a extensive head bashing is in order.

May the people who get these tragidies forced upon themselves, be able to live and move on in a human way.

May the good of the world prevail over the scum of the earth. May all of you Arab bastards who believe in this go directly to hell. I will see you there and fuck you up. The only mistake they made is to think this would drive us apart. Wrong, it just unites us more. Live on, Rock On, but never give up.
July 7th, 2005 10:07 PM
M.O.W.A.T. My sentiments exactly!

It's not too smart to piss off two nuclear superpowers but these so-called "religious fanatics" who blow up innocent people in the name of religion are heading for a one-way trip back to the stone-age.
July 7th, 2005 10:35 PM
glencar If only. Too many people are ready to defend them against our attacks. I'm not sure if they're totally wrong but that's a debate for later.
July 7th, 2005 11:03 PM
corgi37 "Maybe its because i'm a Londoner, that i love London so"

These low dogs must be hunted down and strung upside down from flag poles. They are just gutless pigs.

Some Aussies were hurt too. 7 i think.

I love teasing the "Poms". Love stirring 'em up, but i secretly love them. My 1st girlfriend was a Pom, and my best and most loved girl is a Pom (i was supposed to have lunch with her today, but her stupid husband had the day off).

Though they are crap at cricket, these Limey's are a tough, bulldog bunch. Hitler couldnt scare them, and a bunch of sneaky, mangy mutts certainly aint gonna either. This is a war all us Westerners are involved in, whether we like it or not. Who knows? Sydney or Melbourne could be next.

My thoughts to every one over there, and hope everyone on this board from U.K. is cool, and everyone they know and love is cool.

P.S. And Minder will always be my fave show.

July 8th, 2005 03:07 AM
Voodoo Scrounge It was one of the most stressful days of my life yesterday. I have had time to sit down and take it all in and now the only thing I feel is pure anger.

Some of that anger is for the stupid, uneducated, primitive extremist who carried out this RAPE of my city.
The other part of my anger is for the government and police who thought that a few years after 9/11, we were safe. Naive and stupid.

There has been no step up in security anywhere in Britain except from airports since 9/11 and when the facts come out about this attck, you will find that these fucks were BORN in the UK.

The Tube was always a sitting duck for bombers. No security, no bag scanners, nobody even bothers to check if you ave a ticket for fuck sake, let alone a bomb.
The railways are the same. They dont check bags, they dont check tickets and Im suprised they didnt blow that up to fuck aswell.

As for the primitive idiots who carried out this attack. Well doesnt it just sum this country up. I bet they were all on fucking income support, living in state paid council houses with free food vouchers, free healthcare and free everything else.
They were educated here, probably spoke with and English accent when it suited them and you would never know of the attrocities they will carry out.

At least with the IRA they told you it was coming!
At least with the IRA you knew who you were fighting!

Well let me tell you this, when it comes to beating the British...


July 8th, 2005 03:12 AM
blackandblue Well spoken voodoo, those fuckers never will get us down. They are the lowest scum you can imagine. Even the death penalty is too friendly for them.
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